Laser Cut Frank Lloyd Wright Window Lamp
The file 'Laser Cut Frank Lloyd Wright Window Lamp' is ( svg) file type, size is 64.61 KB.
Found some lamp designs online, and figured we could make them cheaper.
The sides are cut for 3mm (0.115" actual) birch plywood, and the entire will fit on a 12x20 sheet. The lamp currently stands at 11.5".
After we cut the pieces out, Vellum tracing paper was cut to cover the backsides. To affix the tracing paper, simply spray the backside with adhesive evenly, place the tracing paper on the back, flip it over, and press evenly across everything. This will ensure that the paper sticks to all the intricate designs, and doesn't bulge outward.
A few RGB LED strips will be used for the lamps base, but a temporary one (in the pictures) shows great promise for the final design.
- FLW_Lamp.svg
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