Laser Cut Castle Tower for RPG or Wargaming Terrain
The file 'Laser Cut Castle Tower for RPG or Wargaming Terrain' is (ai, dxf, lbrn2) file type, size is 196.36 KB.
This castle tower is for use as RPG or wargaming terrain. Included are files for both 2.5mm and 3mm thick material. For assembly, glue the 12 tabs into the slots of the square piece on the bottom so that it fits in place over the square hole on top. The octagon with no hole goes in the middle, the one with no brick pattern goes on bottom. I made mine with 2 door sections and 6 no-door sections, but any combination should work.
- Tower-2.5mm.dxf
- Tower-2.5mm.lbrn2
- Tower-3mm.dxf
- Tower-3mm.lbrn2
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Size: 196.36 KB