I have been moving my clock designs in a steampunk direction.
In keeping with that mentality, I decided the time-setting knob should also be steampunk-ish. I couldn't find anything decent around, so I took to OpenSCAD to design one...
This design is to have a 1 to 2 inch diameter sphere glued in the middle. I will be using a 1-inch Uranium Marble, and lighting it with some UV to make it glow green-blue.
Basic_Handle_1.stl | 4.2MB | |
Basic_Handle_1x4_export.gcode | 6.1MB | |
Basic_Handle_1_export.gcode | 1.6MB | |
handle1.scad | 2.7KB | |
handlehub1.scad | 799.0B | |
handlehub1.stl | 725.7KB | |
handlehub1_export.gcode | 1.1MB |