Laser Cut Leather and Wood Phone Case
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For this phone case, I combined laser cut wood with laser cut leather.
Use wood that is thinner than the thickness of your phone. My phone is 8 mm thick and the wood I used is 4 mm thick.
Cut the ply.
Cut both sides of the leather.
Test fit and check whether the holes match.
Put contact cement on one side of the wood.
Put contact cement on the edge of the bottom leather part.
Wait until the glue is dry enough.
Hammer or press the wood on the back leather part.
Put contact cement on the front of the wood.
Put contact cement on the edge of the front leather part.
Wait again for the glue to dry.
Hammer or press the front leather part on the wood.
Use a saddle stitch to stitch around the edges.
Test fit your phone. (The first time you might need to stretch the leather a little for your phone to fit. To make it easier to stretch the leather you might need to make the leather a little wet.)
- telefoonhoesjeHOUT.pdf
- telefoonhoesjeLEER.pdf
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