Laser Cut Fusion 360 Finger-jointed Tray
Laser Cut Fusion 360 Finger-jointed Tray Laser Cut Fusion 360 Finger-jointed Tray

Laser Cut Fusion 360 Finger-jointed Tray

File formats: dxf, f3d
Download file type: zip
The file 'Laser Cut Fusion 360 Finger-jointed Tray' is ( dxf, f3d) file type, size is 568.35 KB.


This is a parametric finger-jointed tray intended for cutting on a laser cutter. The number of fingers automatically adjust based on an "optimal" finger width (specified in the fingerw parameter), and the dimensions of the tray.

The fingers then resize themselves to be as close to the "optimal" finger width as possible along all three axes, but they will deviate from that size if necessary to maintain at least 3 fingers along each edge.

Version 11: Updated with a parameter (ldividers) that will allow you to add dividers equally across one dimension by specifying the number of compartments you'd like in the tray.

The height, length, width and material thickness of the tray can be changed in the parameters.

The .f3d file can be uploaded into your Fusion360 environment. The design includes the model and the CAM configuration that can be easily modified.

Check out my Youtube channel for videos that describe different methods for designing items in Fusion 360.

Also, check out this plugin for Fusion 360 that automates adding fingers to bodies.


  • Finger-jointed_tray.dxf
  • Finger-jointed_tray_v24.f3d
Author: hobbyistmaker

Uploader: karelkoperdraad
Size: 568.35 KB

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