Laser Cut Arduino Enclosure
The file 'Laser Cut Arduino Enclosure' is ( dxf, skp) file type, size is 76.48 KB.
An enclosure for the Arduino that can be laser cut from sheet acrylic. Provides access to the USB port, DC jack, reset button, and pin headers.
The case was designed using measurements from an Arduino Uno board.
1) Adjust the design to account for your laser cutter kerf: In this design the slots have been shrunk by 0.1mm to account for my laser cutter's kerf and provide a tight fit. However, this will vary depending on your equipment and true thickness of the material.
2) For a good fit you may want to cut a single slot and peg to verify the settings and adjust the design of the slot size accordingly in the DXF or SketchUp file.
3) Cut the design from 3mm acrylic. Slot the pieces together - excluding the lid!
4) Slide in your Arduino board, USB port first. Secure the board to the base plate with fixings of your choosing. I used some M3 bolts with insulating washers. But you could use PCB stand-offs if you wish - consider the alignment of the boards with the port cut-outs at this point.
5) Attach the top plate and secure with four 30mm M3 bolts. If you are likely to be removing the lid frequently then an elastic band maybe more useful than bolts. Be careful not to over tighten as this may shatter the acrylic.
- arduino-case.dxf
- arduino-case.skp
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Size: 76.48 KB