Small Parts & Screw Tray 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Small Parts & Screw Tray 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 176.2KB.


Stay Organized during projects with this parts tray for pretty much anything. I made this with cell phones, and computer components in mind. This is a stackable tray.

This will pretty much fill up the entirety of a Ender 3 print bed so make sure your bed is level before printing. I reccommend 3 top layers and 3 walls for part strength.

*V1 will scale down much better than the other versions.

*V2 includes a smaller tray specifically for cell phones. This one will most likely not scale below 75% due to the smaller details.

*Both version are now updated to stack better, be easier to scale down, and be easier to use.

Screw_Tray_v1.stl 403.9KB
Screw_Tray_v2.stl 516.4KB