Rubber Band Retainer Plug For Hot Wheels Launcher (by Phorbi) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl,3mf
Download type: zip

The file 'Rubber Band Retainer Plug For Hot Wheels Launcher (by Phorbi) 3D Printer Model' is (stl,3mf) file type, size is 85.7KB.


The Hot Wheels Launcher by phorbi ( is amazing and it works perfectly. The only problem my son had with it was that the rubber band would come off the top holder (near the top of the trigger) periodically, and he had trouble putting it back on by himself. So I designed this cap to be inserted over the top holder that keep the rubber band from jumping off the peg.

Printed with flat surface on the build plate. No brims, rafts or supports needed.

Hot_Wheels_Launcher_Rubber_Band_Retainer_Plug.stl 97.2KB
Hot_Wheels_Launcher_ubber_Band_Retainer_Plug.3mf 47.5KB