Laser Cut Shaving Box Station
The file 'Laser Cut Shaving Box Station' is ( svg) file type, size is 68.62 KB.
my shaving box, nice and tidy :). there is the original design files for the door do not for get to modify one of them (there are 3) and personalise it as you wish.
cut it, glue it, use it, enjoy it, do not for get to edit it and shave safe ;)
something to note is the small rear place under the spare razor should be glued away from the side or else it will be blocked by the door stops ;). also the big and small circles is for the foam and oil that i use do not forget to make your own thing for what is it the you use.
- myshavingbox.svg.2017_05_02_00_44_29.0.svg
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