Laser Cut Flex Box Snap Fit – Wooden Box With Living Hinge
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Wooden jewelry box with living hinge and elastic strap
- Cut box from 3mm plywood so that hinge slits are parallel to the grain of the wood.
- If desired, loosen the hinge by firmly (but carefully) pulling the lid section away from the bottom of the box -- stretching the wood between the hinge slits.
- Sand away unwanted laser burn marks
- To remove burnt wood smell, make a paste from white vinegar and baking soda and apply liberally, allowing it to absorb the odor for at least 5 minutes before rinsing off.
- Allow box to fully dry before applying finish, if desired. I applied three coats of Howard brand "Butcher Block Conditioner", a food grade mineral oil, beeswax and carnauba wax mix. This protects the box, further helps cover any remaining burnt wood odor and gives it a nice finish (it brings out the wood grain a little more, although had a little too much of a green hue for my liking.) I would recommend staying away from a polyurethane finish because it will prevent the hinge from bending properly.
- Attach an elastic band through holes to hold the lid shut when closed. I tied the elastic to small black buttons, but if the holes had been sufficiently small, I could have just tied a knot to hold it in place. You may want to modify the laser cutting template to match the size of elastic band you have.
- If desired, glue a soft fabric (like velvet or felt) to the bottom of the inside of the box.
- Snap_Flex_Box_with_Initials.svg
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