Laser Cut Einstein Shapes
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Laser Cut Einstein Shapes

File formats: svg
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Two "Einstein Shapes" - Hat and Turtle
Einstein shapes tesselate infinitely without repetition (google it!).
Note: You need the original and the mirrored orientation for infinite tessellation. The "Dbl" versions of the svg files contain both original & mirrored. If you want include the scoring lines you can cut+score on one side, then flip and score on the other (of course you will need to pin your material to the laser bed so it doesn't shift.)


  • EinsteinHat-Dbl.svg
  • EinsteinHat-Single.svg
  • EinsteinTurtle-Dbl.svg
  • EinsteinTurtle-Single.svg
Author: TioEmm


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Uploader: OTHill
Size: 58.28 KB

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