Laser Cut Dog Royal Modular Game
Laser Cut Dog Royal Modular Game Laser Cut Dog Royal Modular Game Laser Cut Dog Royal Modular Game Laser Cut Dog Royal Modular Game

Laser Cut Dog Royal Modular Game

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This is a interpretation of the well known Game D.O.G.
You can play the Game from 2 - 8 Players and it comes with several special rules. My aim was to make a game that can be laser cuttet from a single Wood piece.

To play it you need to colour the tokens in 8 diffrent colours. Also you will need a bridge card set with 55 playing cards.

I wish you tons of fun!

PS: The instructions are in German, you will find english instructions here:
Normal version:
Royal version:


The Game was adapted from the original game, i changed the shape and modified some rules to play the royal version of this game.


  • Anleitung.pdf
  • Dog_Royal.svg
Author: Ausderhood

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Size: 807.55 KB

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