Laser Cut Card Deck Box
The file 'Laser Cut Card Deck Box' is ( ai, dwg) file type, size is 101.89 KB.
This is a card deck box for holding a deck of cards (with or without sleeves). Good for Magic: The Gathering, Android NetRunner, or whatever other card game you might want.
This is designed to fit together perfectly for any material that's 3mm. I use 3mm Acrylic. If you want it to be really special you can line up and drill a hole in each box to put a magnet to keep it closed. I don't have that built into the file but it's an idea I've been floating around.
The files were made in DraftSight (which is free) and works a lot like autocad. You can import the _ai versions into Adobe Illustrator if that's what you use. Otherwise, the main files are just DraftSight files.
- BoxTop.dwg
- BoxTop_ai.dwg
- Box_compact.dwg
- Box_compact_ai.dwg
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