The file 'Halfling Fantasy Football Team (Knights Of The Second Breakfast) 3D Printer Model' is (stl,txt) file type, size is 5.2MB.
12 unique models for a Halfling team for your favorite fantasy football game.
I took Valandar's excellent Halfling Paladin model, fattened him up a bit to fit WH scale and customized using Tinkercad, this is my very first design and the models are pretty sloppy but they came out pretty great on my Ender 3, with a bit of clean up and some paint I'm sure they'll look great on the pitch.
BB_Halfling_1.stl | 897.1KB | |
BB_Halfling_2.stl | 820.2KB | |
BB_Halfling_3.stl | 993.3KB | |
BB_Halfling_4.stl | 861.3KB | |
BB_Halfling_5.stl | 1.1MB | |
BB_Halfling_Chef.stl | 1.2MB | |
BB_Halfling_Chicken_1.stl | 1003.7KB | |
BB_Halfling_Chicken_2.stl | 781.1KB | |
BB_Halfling_Frying_Pan.stl | 957.4KB | |
BB_Halfling_Pot_Head.stl | 917.1KB | |
BB_Halfling_Stew.stl | 1.1MB | |
BB_Halfling_Wokrnaut.stl | 986.5KB | |
Read_Me.txt | 401.0B |