40 Blocky Trackball Holder For 34mm 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file '40 Blocky Trackball Holder For 34mm 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 462.9KB.


Created this being inspired by robots for the day. Downsized the bearing size in this model to 3mm. Other than that, nothing changes outside of the visual aspect when comparing it to my other model.

Supports are recommended because the best print for this is with the cup lying flat on the printing surface.

Still tinkering with visuals when it comes to putting something on the 34mm trackball. Let me know if you have ideas you might want to see visually that I can try to incorporate.


60_Raised_Edge_-_Trackball_-_Thumb_Rest_-_3mm_with_Push_hole.stl 626.7KB
Raised_Edge_-_Trackball_40_Degree.stl 566.0KB