Voxel Matrix Desk Toy. A 3D Printed Desk Toy To Create Your Own Retro Creations 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl,fcstd
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The file 'Voxel Matrix Desk Toy. A 3D Printed Desk Toy To Create Your Own Retro Creations 3D Printer Model' is (stl,fcstd) file type, size is 330.5KB.


The Voxel Matrix Desk toy is a 3D printed desk toy to create your own retro creations.

The original one is a matrix of 16x16 with voxels (pixels in 3D) of the size of 6 mm.

However, the cool thing is that this Freecad design is totally parametric

¡You can create the voxels at the size that you want and the matrix of your desired size in just a matter of seconds!

A video explaining the creation (Spanish):


V4_voxel_box_6mm_16x16.stl 200.7KB
voxel_6.stl 34.3KB
voxel_matrix_stand.fcstd 328.5KB