Vortex Beach Blast: The Ultimate Floating Game For Water Fun! 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: 3mf,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Vortex Beach Blast: The Ultimate Floating Game For Water Fun! 3D Printer Model' is (3mf,stl) file type, size is 3.3MB.


Introducing the Vortex Beach Blast, a unique and exciting game designed for beach and water fun. Shaped like a bomb, this game takes inspiration from the athletics vortex and is perfect for all ages. Its floating and flexible design ensures endless entertainment in the water, making it an ideal companion for beach outings and pool parties.

Vortex_Beach_Blast_MK4.3mf 1.3MB
Vortex_Body.stl 3.4MB
Vortex_Tail.stl 1002.1KB