MTG Card Collection Divider With Text Tab 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl,scad
Download type: zip

The file 'MTG Card Collection Divider With Text Tab 3D Printer Model' is (stl,scad) file type, size is 133.0KB.


I want to separate cards in my collection with simple divider.

So I create this simple OpenSCAD script to allow print left and right tab with some text on card size divider. (you can print both if you like...)

If you want to use special mana symbols you must install font from link I share in comments of .scad file.

mtg_storage_divider_Artefacts.stl 131.6KB
mtg_storage_divider_B.stl 254.6KB
mtg_storage_divider_G.stl 277.0KB
mtg_storage_divider_Land.stl 93.4KB
mtg_storage_divider_maw.scad 1.6KB
mtg_storage_divider_R.stl 290.9KB
mtg_storage_divider_U.stl 75.7KB
mtg_storage_divider_W.stl 357.2KB