Minecraft Lantern 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Minecraft Lantern 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 6.1KB.


This is an electronic lantern designed to look like the lantern from Minecraft, its very easy to assemble and glue together and only requires a small tea light to make it work.

The files themselves are to scale with the game but can be resized easily in a slicer. I recommend 25% scale to fit most tea lights.

Modeled in Solidworks, and printed on a standard Ender3, supports are only necessary for the top piece and the four posts. Infill should not be any less than 5% and the center "glass" portion can be printed in vase mode if desired.

Lantern_base.STL 12.8KB
Lantern_center.STL 3.2KB
Lantern_corner_post.STL 2.2KB
Lantern_top_1.STL 4.6KB
Lantern_top_2.STL 1.6KB
Lantern_top_3.STL 5.9KB