Based on a modified version of 's Eurorack panel OpenSCAD program. This is a work in progress: still working on the the best way of applying lettering to the faceplate.
There are several STL files: some with lettering and some without.
The synth page is here:
My Nixie Sequencer is described here:
8038_generator_eurorack_panel-4.stl | 138.2KB | |
coupled_dual_vco_eurorack_panel.stl | 509.0KB | |
eurorack_bbd_panel.stl | 211.5KB | |
eurorack_COUPLEDVCO.stl | 89.0KB | |
eurorack_loudspeaker_panel1.stl | 176.2KB | |
eurorack_NIXIESEQUENCER.stl | 197.7KB | |
eurorack_nixie_tube_sequencer-2.stl | 447.1KB | |
eurorack_noise_generator_panel.stl | 123.7KB | |
eurorack_NUVISTORVCF.stl | 76.6KB | |
nuvistor_vcf_eurorack_panel.stl | 190.1KB |