Avatar: The Last Airbender Topographic Map 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Avatar: The Last Airbender Topographic Map 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 15.1MB.


This is a 3D topographic map of the Avatar: The Last Airbender world. In this model, the landmasses print like puzzle pieces that fit into the background- it's done this way to make it as easy as possible to have multiple colors.

This map has features that are not included on other maps- You'll be able to find Kyoshi's Island, the Boiling Rock, Roku's Island, and the magnetic center of the Si Wong desert. This is also at a much higher resolution than other available maps, including finder detail regarding both landmass coastline and topology layers.

Q: "What's the deal with the 'split' .stl models?"
A: Well, there are some very tiny islands that are very close to other very tiny islands. In such cases, even the smallest amount of stringing will cause them to attach in an inconvenient way. Some of the islands are so small that it's even difficult to tell where to trim. For example, the very last island on the Fire Nation island chain will be indistinguishable from the stringing that connects it to its closest neighbor, causing a bit of headache during cleanup. The split models stagger the islands such that this isn't an issue.

For me, this was an extremely fun and rewarding build! I highly recommend it.

Air_Temple_East.stl 422.7KB
Air_Temple_South.stl 1.2MB
Air_Temple_West.stl 705.0KB
Ba_Sing_Se.stl 89.1KB
Earth_Kingdom_Combined.stl 4.5MB
Earth_Kingdom_Split_1.stl 4.4MB
Earth_Kingdom_Split_2.stl 149.9KB
Fire_Nation_Combined.stl 1.3MB
Fire_Nation_Split_1.stl 1.3MB
Fire_Nation_Split_2.stl 74.5KB
Frame.stl 16.1KB
Ocean.stl 31.9MB
Token_Air.stl 172.1KB
Token_Earth.stl 240.9KB
Token_Fire.stl 183.1KB
Token_Frame.stl 43.4KB
Token_Water.stl 225.7KB
Water_Tribe_North.stl 474.1KB
Water_Tribe_South.stl 411.9KB