Alphacode Emperor Font

Public domain, GPL, OFL

Laser Cutting

Font Files

  • AlphacodeEmperor-Regular.ttf

Font Details

Designer Name:S. Evans
Font License:Public domain, GPL, OFL

Designers Note

AlphaCode EMPEROR is a simple substitute cipher. You can use this font/cipher to write a book with or anything. Free for Commercial Use. Make money with it, if you want. Other font creators can take and perfect it if they wish to and even sell it on their websites, before or after they've perfected it. Have fun! You can even make your own font with this font by mixing up the letters to make a different cipher! If you learn this, you could become fluent in reading it. Write a journal with it - will your friends know what you've written?! AlphaCode EMPEROR - Communicate differently.

Character Map

character map