12 Gauge Deprimer 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file '12 Gauge Deprimer 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 12.6KB.


 DISCLAIMER: Ammo reloading is inherently a risky activity. Failure to adhere to safety procedures and/or reliable reloading manuals may result in property damage, injury or even death. Proceed at your own risk! I have no control over your actions, and I am not responsible for any result of your use of these models - including damage to you, your shotgun, your shells or the Load All. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! 

file for a 12-gauge primer remover includes a base designed to hold the round securely, but the printer settings need to be adjusted. For best results, scale the model to 102%, use a 40% infill for strength, and apply 15 top layers for a smooth finish. Be sure to set these parameters in your slicer software before printing. This ensures the design fits properly and functions well during the primer removal process. If you make one, please comment and post a picture.

deprimer_base.stl 36.6KB
deprimer_tool.stl 22.7KB