Laser Cut The S.A.F.E. (Solarbotics Arduino / Freeduino Enclosure)

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: cdr,pdf
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We build things with Arduino / Freeduino, but the wires to get messy. Aha! I see a laser cutter in the corner - what can we do with that?...

This is designed to fit an Arduino Uno form-factor microcontroller board, and has knockouts designed to fit the Freeduino mini-USB jack too. Corner chase-ways allow for wiring to be fed external to the enclosure, and mounting holes are located for mounting a 5-cell AA battery pack underneath.

We've got faceplates arranged for the Netduino standard and Plus, and a tall version with legs to suspend even a battery-pack laden enclosure off the ground.

If you just want one, check them out at

Solarbotics-Arduino-Freeduino-Enclosure_v1.0.cdr 3.1MB
Solarbotics-Arduino-Freeduino-Enclosure_v1.0.pdf 59.9KB