Laser Cut Enclosure File For Box (Lithium Solar USB Charger Project)

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License: CC BY-SA
File formats: ai,pdf
Download type: zip

The file 'Laser Cut Enclosure File For Box (Lithium Solar USB Charger Project)' is (ai,pdf) file type, size is 120.8KB.


Download the Laser Cutting File here to create your Box Enclosure

Project: Lithium Solar USB Charger
Creator: Beixing Chen
Short Video on Project:


  1. Laser cut out all the parts.
  2. Lay out all the components as demonstrated in Picture #1.
  3. Using Picture #1, fold all 4 sides inwards so that you form a box without a lid (without glue)
  4. Take the box apart and lay the components out again as demonstrated in Picture #1
  5. Using Picture #1, fold all 4 sides inwards so that you form a box without a lid (with super glue)
  6. Use your fingers to press on the connections so that it fits together without any holes in-between
  7. Attach the lid onto the top of the box and you've completed the enclosure for this project. 76.9KB
Enclosure.pdf 82.1KB
