Laser Cut Electronics Components Box, No Hardware Needed

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: fcstd,svg
Download type: zip
Size:65.07 KB

The file 'Laser Cut Electronics Components Box, No Hardware Needed' is (fcstd,svg) file type, size is 65.07 KB.


This is a derivative of an earlier box, but designed to be as inexpensive as we could make it.

The lid is better if it is 3mm acrylic and the other parts made from 3mm wood since the hing is going to be fairly weak.

No fasteners are needed, just wood glue. I recommend using clamps while the glue is setting.

There is the maximum number of dividers in that file, but in general, we have only been using about 8. If all are used, there would be 32 25mm square compartments. We have been using 2 50x75mm and 10 25x50 compartments. The larger for Arduino, shields, etc. The others for components.
