Business Card Box For Lasercutting

License: CC0
File formats: dxf,svg
Download type: zip

The file 'Business Card Box For Lasercutting' is (dxf,svg) file type, size is 12.8KB.


This Design is part of the lasercutting things.

This is an opensource business card box for lasercutting.
Dies ist eine opensource Visitenkarten-Box.

The cards are removeable without opening the box.
Die Visitenkarten könne ohne öffnen der Box entnommen werden.

for cards with size of / für Karten der Größe: 85mm x 55mm

For sheets of wood with a thickness of 6mm.
Für Platten aus Holz mit einer Dicke von 6mm

For stabilty glue the interlockings together with wood-glue.
Für besten Halt die Verzahnungen mit wasserfestem Holzleim verkleben.

Design by Dirk Feyerabend

created with and editing in Inkscape

businesscard_box_v2.dxf 74.5KB
businesscard_box_v2.svg 23.7KB