Zemismart 25mm Blind Motor Adapters For 37mm Tube 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Zemismart 25mm Blind Motor Adapters For 37mm Tube 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 223.3KB.


Remixed and new parts to fit a Zemismart Tuya Zigbee Roller Blind Motor for 17mm 25mm Tube to a 37mm tube, includes end pieces to fit blind to end plates.

Needs to be printed at least at 40% infill due to stresses placed on parts.

zemismart_25_to_37mm_-_end_adapter.stl 190.4KB
zemismart_25_to_37mm_adapter_-_inner_spacer.stl 161.3KB
zemismart_37mm_end_spindle_-_motor.stl 20.2KB
zemismart_37mm_end_spindle_-_non_motor.stl 181.1KB