The file 'ZBOX | Double- Double| 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 3.0 MB.
The z-Box is grown to a storage system. It is an totally fresh invention. The system is expandable box by box and everything is stored and accessible at the same time. The special shape enables, if the box is falling down once a time, that less parts falls out. Even screws are easily accessible and small screws do not jump away, while you build up something.
The new x-clip for the #zBox storage system keeps different zboxes of the same high together.
Don't forget to ❤️ if you think the print will give you benefits to your everyday life and saves you troubles.
Marks me on instagram @schayem_3dprint
4erclip-final2.stl |
klipp_z_box_v2.stl |
zbox-ground-grid.stl |
zbox_2.2_v1.stl |