Z Carriage For LMU10 Bearings 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Z Carriage For LMU10 Bearings 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 45.8KB.


Because for my Mega HyperCube aka ChinPrinter Mega (China clone parts, china china everything cheap from china) I will be using LMU10 bearings and 10mm axis for the Z axis, I adjusted the Z-carriage for the HyperCube for LMU10 bearings.

Haven't printed these things since my Vertex printer is currently under repares.

What do you need to print:
-2x Z carriage
-4x Z carriage clamps
-4x Z shaft clamp

LMU10_Z_Carriage.stl 115.8KB
LMU10_Z_Carriage_Clamp.stl 29.4KB
z_shaft_clamp.stl 61.6KB