"Yoshi (sometimes specified as Green Yoshi) is one of the heroes of the Mario franchise, an ally of Mario and Luigi, and the protagonist of his own franchise. He is a member of the Yoshi species and has aided his brethren in saving their homeland on multiple occasions" - from https://www.mariowiki.com/Yoshi
The model is 12 cm high.
This is a multi-color print. Print each part in the right color and glue then afterwards.
Most of the parts are support free. Depending on your printer capabilities, you may need supports on the two main body pieces (green and white).
I’ve added two version for the arms. Each of the files “arm_left_complete” and “arm_right_complete”, contains the arm and hand as a single piece. You’ll need supports to print these. If you want to avoid supports, use the files “arm_left”, “arm_right”, “hand_left” and “hand_right”. Those have the arms and hands as separate pieces, to be glued together. Personally, I liked more the result of the single piece print. Up to you to decide.
Be aware that some pieces, like the split hands, have small bases compared to the overall size. Be careful to check your bed adherence. You may print the “eye_black” pieces laid on their backs, if you have problems.
Let me know if you have any questions.
yoshi-arm_left.stl | 384.7KB | |
yoshi-arm_left_complete.stl | 2.3MB | |
yoshi-arm_right.stl | 384.7KB | |
yoshi-arm_right_complete.stl | 2.3MB | |
yoshi-body_green.stl | 1.2MB | |
yoshi-body_white.stl | 893.4KB | |
yoshi-eye_black_left.stl | 65.0KB | |
yoshi-eye_black_right.stl | 65.0KB | |
yoshi-eye_white_inner_left.stl | 21.1KB | |
yoshi-eye_white_inner_right.stl | 21.1KB | |
yoshi-eye_white_outter.stl | 117.6KB | |
yoshi-hand_left.stl | 1.9MB | |
yoshi-hand_right.stl | 1.9MB | |
yoshi-head.stl | 2.4MB | |
yoshi-leg_left.stl | 148.7KB | |
yoshi-leg_right.stl | 148.7KB | |
yoshi-mouth.stl | 1.3MB | |
yoshi-nose.stl | 641.0KB | |
yoshi-scales.stl | 523.3KB | |
yoshi-shell_red.stl | 493.7KB | |
yoshi-shell_white.stl | 279.1KB | |
yoshi-shoe_left.stl | 695.4KB | |
yoshi-shoe_right.stl | 695.4KB | |
yoshi-shoe_sole_left.stl | 174.7KB | |
yoshi-shoe_sole_right.stl | 174.7KB |