Yet Another WLED Driver – With 18650 Battery And Onboard Charging 3D Printer Model

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A portable D1 Mini based WLED driver I made for my costumes and other portable WS2812B LED strip setups.

Couldn't find any other designs that had a combination of few things I needed

  • Easily swap-able 18650 battery
  • Physical power on/off disconnect
  • Onboard charging and discharge protection
  • Easy access to the D1 Mini Micro-USB connection
  • Momentary button for WLED input
  • Don't need to print a PCB because I'm too lazy to do a run

For this setup you need the following. I added links for the specifics I used, but the prices may have changed since and not all of these were bought for this project specifically, so they might not be the best units for you.

I solder everything and then hot glue the components in place once they are set. The setup is fairly straightforward, but since it is a dense package that includes soldering a couple joint leads to headers, I'll share my order of soldering and assembly:

  • Battery Clip to Battery Board headers
  • Battery board (+ out) header to slide switch
  • (Joint) Battery board (- out) to both Momentary button and a hanging Out- Lead
  • Momentary Button to D3 Header
  • Thread in JST Connector
  • (Joint) Sliding switch 'on' and the JST Load to the 5V Header
  • (Joint) Hanging Out- Lead from Step 3 and JST Ground to Ground Header
  • D4 Pin to JST signal
  • Glue in Battery Board
  • Glue in Sliding switch
  • Glue in push button
  • Glue in D1 Board

Safety Note: Since there is no diode protecting power backflow, if there is a Battery installed the battery power must be off (via the Hard Sliding Switch) when the 8266 board is powered directly from USB.

case_v1.stl 80.0KB
lid_v1_p2mm.stl 50.7KB