Yet another Sonoff basic wall box
I have seen the other Sonoff basic wall box switch housing things here and I wanted to design my own. I wanted to design one that is simple to print, and simple to install and operate.
I checked out all the other Sonoff basic wall box things and I hope you all don't mind but I took the best of (what I think is) all of your ideas and tried to incorporate them into the design of my thing. I did not directly remix any of them, I just took the concepts. Thank you for inspiring me. Imitation is one of the highest forms of flattery. I'm not a thief, I am admiring you. :)
I designed this housing so it would work for both styles of switch plates in the US. The toggle switch plate and the Decora switch plate. I have a paddle for each. No toggle action, just a straight push button. Simple as possible.
I did not want to flash the firmware or solder little tiny wires to the Sonoff. I wanted to be able to just take the Sonoff board out of it's housing and drop it into my housing. Period. Easy. I wanted to make it as simple as possible. And this is an easy print too. No bridges, few overhangs, flat bottom. 3 parts to print. The housing, the cover, and the paddles.
I have one toggle paddle and 2 decora paddles. One is plain, the other has a circle in the face. The face of the paddles are on the bottom, so you need to have a flat and clean build plate. You should anyway! I have a toggle paddle and a decora paddle joined by a small brim to make it a one piece easy print.
Use 2 of the 4 tiny screws that came with the Sonoff to secure either the toggle paddle or the decora paddle to the actuator. I added a travel limiter so the actuator won't break the switch in the Sonoff. Use the other 2 screws to screw the cover to the housing.
The screw holes for the 6-32 plate screws are not threaded and are a little under sized. Start a 6-32 tap slow and with some force. Turn it slowly with a lot of pressure for the first 2-3 rotations of the tap. After that it will feed itself through.
Arch the back of the housing a little to spread open the 2 ends, then snap the Sonoff board in. The 2 ends will hold the board in place. Look for the notch in the corner.
I don't like the green glow so I turned off the LED in the ap. It would be nice to be able to alter the behavior of the LED but I wanted to keep this simple so I just turned it off.
Printed in PLA .2 layer 25% infill
I printed the housing and rear cover in black, and the paddles in white, but of course you can pick whatever color filament you have. A red push button might be good for a fan or a garage door.
I think that the easiest way to make this switch work for a garage door is to have the Sonoff activate a 110v relay. The NO contacts in the relay will wire up parallel to the stock garage door push button switch. Activate "inching" in the ap and set the time to 1 second. A one second pulse to activate the garage door. A smart phone controlled garage door for less than 10 bucks!
The terminals on the board are a little small for the wires found in my walls. Use short pigtails to come out of the Sonoff then wire nut those to the existing house wires.
And kill your breakers before you start wiring. I will not be responsible if you electrocute yourself.
Sonoff_cover.stl |
Sonoff_decora_paddle.stl |
Sonoff_housing.stl |
Sonoff_paddles.stl |
Sonoff_paddles_circle.stl |
Sonoff_toggle_paddle.stl |