There sure are a bunch of SD card holders out there, and now there's one more. Yay.
Why another? Well, it seems like most folks have a whole bunch less SD cards than I do, especially those damned micro SD converters. I think those things are getting together when I'm not looking and making more of themselves.
Either way, I don't need fancy storage with a slot for each card, although for the micros, that does make a bit of sense.
Listed ajb79's modular memory holder as a source as I took measurements from it to save myself that work, but then it's all modeled from scratch in SketchUp. (I really need to take the time to learn some proper CAD, but I know this well enough for now) Plus, ajb79's design is pretty clever with the modular snap-together design, so a little publicity isn't a bad thing.
It's not fancy, it's not pretty, but it'll hold a bunch of SD cards in no particular order. Hope it helps someone.
cmh-sd-card-holder.stl | 55.8KB | |
SD_holder_lid.stl | 2.2KB |