A simple mod printed in twenty minutes, installed in less than 3, that will double your stock Creality CR-10 bridging capacity... Why not?
This was designed to avoid interferring with your print, but please check that once installed the clearance between your aligned plate and the bottom line of YACNSFB is at least one millimeter.
I liked the idea of the original 3rDirective mod but :
I've tested it in comparison with stock blower, using this test (see pictures):
The bridging capacity I evaluate would be at least 45 mm with this new design (bridge is not perfect, but the extruded wires are pretty well stuck together when bending with my finger).
With the stock blower part : 22.5mm bridge is already "messed up".
So I say : "this little piece of crap doubles (at least) your bridging capacity", since I used:
for both test...
I did not test the original design by 3rDirective: it should also improve results but requires new screws... Mine does not!
And many thanks to 3rDirective for its original idea.
new_blower_13.FCStd | 1.8MB | |
YACNSFB_V5.stl | 118.3KB |