The file 'XiaoMI Yi Protective Case (Vortex 250 Case And Wedge Case) 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 256.9KB.
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XiaoMI Yi Protective case which fits the Vortex 250's GoPro Recliner.
Protects your XiaoMI Yi camera from damage during crashes. Featuring built-in guards to shield the lens and front from impact. Best used with a slip-on lens protector. The bottom lugs have been spaced to sit perfectly on the outside of the ImmersionRC Vortex 250 Pro's GoPro Recliner to Prevent the Gopro from sliding left or right.
You can also find the XiaoMI Yi Wedge cases, GoPro 3 & 4 protective cases and the Turnigy 2K action Cam Protective Wedge Cases
3D Print Setting Recomendations
Layer Height: 0.20
Support Needed: Yes
Infill: 100%
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xiaomi_Yi_Vortex_250_Case.STL | 703.8KB |