Xbox One Thumbstick Extensions: Letters 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Xbox One Thumbstick Extensions: Letters 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 4.9MB.


Remixed from original design here:

Letters are indented into the Thumbsticks for custom look.

Note: Some letters might print better than others - please let me know if certain letters are having trouble printing clean and I'll work on fixing it. Thanks!

A.stl 220.2KB
B.stl 231.1KB
C.stl 223.8KB
D.stl 223.5KB
E.stl 224.7KB
F.stl 222.5KB
G.stl 226.8KB
H.stl 224.1KB
I.stl 218.1KB
J.stl 217.7KB
K.stl 221.8KB
L.stl 214.1KB
M.stl 226.5KB
N.stl 225.2KB
O.stl 226.4KB
P.stl 223.3KB
Q.stl 229.2KB
R.stl 229.2KB
S.stl 232.5KB
T.stl 220.6KB
U.stl 220.8KB
V.stl 217.5KB
W.stl 224.1KB
X.stl 219.6KB
xbox_one_thumbsticks_letters.stl 5.7MB
Y.stl 219.0KB
Z.stl 223.3KB