X52 HOTAS Adapter Plates For SVARTÅSEN Laptop Stands 3D Printer Model

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The file 'X52 HOTAS Adapter Plates For SVARTÅSEN Laptop Stands 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 75.2KB.


Adapter plates & connectors to mount a X52 HOTAS (http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/x52.html) to SVARTÅSEN Laptop stands (http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/40242177/). might work for other HOTAS if they have the same mounting holes, or there are tinkercad links to customize these.

includes the plate, some push pins to clip the plate to the laptop stand, and some twist pins to connect the joystick/throttle to the adapter plate.

sorry, they're kinda big, you'll probably need a 7"x7" build plate at a minimum (i printed in ABS, @ 0.3mm layers w/ 20% infill and a brim)

if you want to tweak it to make your own adapter plates:

hotas_joystick_mounting_plate.stl 175.8KB
hotas_push_clip.stl 11.4KB
hotas_throttle_mounting_plate.stl 145.4KB
hotas_twist_clip.stl 3.4KB