This is an adaptation of a laser-cut version that you can find on hackaday .
Because I don't have a lasercutter of the needed size I decided to create my own 3D printable smaller version (dimensional wise) with a bigger resolution (20x10 leds).
I think a raspberry pi would be a little overkill, I opted for the ESP32 Dev controller board in conjunction with Glediator and ArtnetWifi.
Watch it here and here in action.
I also added the glediator config file for the 20x10 led matrix (glediator_led_matrix_20x10.gled) and the Arduino source-code.
ArtNet_WiFi_FastLED.ino | 3.5KB | |
btm_stand.stl | 99.8KB | |
circular-stabilizer.stl | 63.9KB | |
glediator_matrix_lamp_20x10.gled | 816.9KB | |
lid-top-btm.stl | 141.5KB | |
shade.stl | 30.2KB | |
shield.stl | 30.2KB | |
vertical-struth.stl | 11.2KB | |
WS2812-Lamp.fcstd | 1.9MB |