An OpenSCAD file for creating variable sized sheets of interlocked rings in the European weave pattern.
I've had this file for months waiting for my printer to get working/tune and have decided to go ahead and let people see it, and work with it - instead of continuing to wait.
This project was inspired by Bill20r3's conversation with me about chain-mail. (HI! BILL!)
(V4 because this is the internal version number I was using for tracking things on my computer while I was writing this.)
This is not associated with any another 'chainmail' project already on thingiverse and was written/developed independently. I've not looked at their code. I do find that 'cupped/bent rings' are an elegant solution to a nasty problem for ring printing, but hate 'not round rings' as chainmail - the cloth flow is wrong.
WPFchainmail_v4.scad | 1.9KB | |
WPFChainmail_V4.stl | 10.6MB |