World’s Most Complicated 1 Minute Timer 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'World’s Most Complicated 1 Minute Timer 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 1.4MB.


This is the the world's most complicated 1 minute timer. Note that the frame has since been updated since the images and video were created. Also note that you might have to employ a drill or exacto knife to ensure that everything fits as it should. Axis are 3mm steel rods cut to the appropriate lengths.

30toothWheel.stl 268.1KB
anchor.stl 40.5KB
balanceWeight.stl 68.6KB
brake.stl 213.1KB
frameBottom.stl 71.6KB
frameConnector1.stl 25.3KB
frameConnector2.stl 50.9KB
frameTop.stl 94.8KB
orbit.stl 176.5KB
outerOrbit.stl 637.4KB
planet.stl 179.4KB
spring.stl 537.2KB
sun.stl 93.2KB
timerGear.stl 360.6KB
weightBottom.stl 373.0KB
weightGear1.stl 492.6KB
weightTop.stl 890.1KB