Workshop Servant – Part Drawer 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: obj,stl,zip
Download type: zip

The file 'Workshop Servant – Part Drawer 3D Printer Model' is (obj,stl,zip) file type, size is 16.1MB.


⚠️ I have not tested the project at the moment, It is just a week-end fast drawing

⒈ Inspiration :

Quite a time ago, I saw Alexandre Chappel (link : video of custom drawer organisation. I liked the idea and wanted to create a project like this.
Original video :

While looking for a cost table, I remembered the cheap workshop cabinet. One of those cabinet costing less than the drawer rail for the build, I wanted to use them.

Pros :

  • Metal
    • No building needed (almost)
    • Cheaper

Cons :

  • The grid for the drawer is not perfect

2. Project presentation

  • My design is based on a cheap cabinet, that we can found on many websites for around 120€ delivered in France. The one I based my design on use 5 drawers, with a size of 500x280x95mm.

  • To lock storage in place, I used the same technic as Alexandre, a grid with a size of 10x5.6 squares. Each square having a size of 50x50mm.

  • The grid taking 3mm of high in the current drawing, we are left with 92mm of usable hight.

3. Possible customization

  • Currently being a project I have not yet tested, I'm giving to you all the drawings and STL as is.
  • Drawing are based on parametric function. You can use the given obj files, or modify easily the F3D files.

4. Printing tips and choice

  • I advise you to download the zip file where everything would be organized in folders
  • For one drawer, The grid is composed of 10x5.6 square for a total size of 50x28cm.
    To complete the grid I tried to make it printable on most common printer. Therefore I cut the design to multiple parts such as you have to print :
    -> 2 « 4x1.6 »
    -> 2
     « 4x4 »
    -> 1 « 2x1.6 »
    -> 1
     « 2x4 »
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