Wooden Spike Barricade For 28mm Tabletop 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Wooden Spike Barricade For 28mm Tabletop 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 3.7MB.


Adventurers running wild without threat of impalement? Orcs in need of a defensive structure that involves the bare minimum of construction knowledge? A fan of large nails and wood? I have the file for you!

A simple spiked wooden barricade, perfect for separating pesky adventurers from archers. Also perfect for having near a giant that likes to pick up and throw people into things! Spice up your next 28mm combat with a spikey wall of spikes!

I Highly recommend printing with supports!

Someone asked if these were suitable for Zombicide Green Plague. The original model is ~3cm tall, 3cm wide and 5cm long. This is a little smaller than the 3x3x8cm that the green plague kickstarter said their barricades were. If you want these for green plague (or just want more spikes!) use the new longer version which should be a little under 8cm!

Spikewall-long.stl 6.1MB
Spikewall.stl 3.8MB