Wire Splice Mold – Slightly Modified 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl,blend
Download type: zip

The file 'Wire Splice Mold – Slightly Modified 3D Printer Model' is (stl,blend) file type, size is 244.3KB.


Changes from the original:

  • Split into two models for easier slicer arrangement.
  • Re-scaled to properly fit 14AWG wire without resizing in slicer.
  • Beveled a few edges to allow for easier handling and assembly when splicing.

To use:

  1. Insert your pre-spliced wire into one side of the jig. One side is for 1-to-1 the other is for 1-to-2. It should handle most types of slim splices including crimp and heat-gun-solder types, or just raw hand-soldered wire.
  2. Mate the two halves of the jig.
  3. Clamp the jig together for stability with any small clamp.
  4. Inject 2-4 trigger-presses of hot-glue.
  5. Wait for it to cool
  6. Remove from jig and trim excess hot glue.

Your wires should have a somewhat more water-tight seal now as long as the splice stayed centered.

That is in theory how it should work. I will test after I perform my first print.


As this will be encountering hot glue I suggest using a filament that handles heat the best. PLA is probably good enough for the temp of most glue guns, but if you have other filaments that are more heat tolerant use that to be sure. Best I have is PETG so I will use that on my test print (I haven't printed it yet).

Suggestions for future remixes:

  • Extend the cavity to add a screw-mounting loop.
  • Add something to help center the splice and reduce the chance of shifting of the wires and splice during handling.
  • Possibly make it more symmetrical to allow for a single model that is just printed twice?
  • Add LEDs and other bling (ok, maybe not)
splice_half_A.stl 89.7KB
splice_half_B.stl 89.7KB
splice_with_bevels_and_resized.blend 977.2KB