My current residence does not have any window screens or anything available to allow cool air to blow through the house. Being a tenant, I cannot modify anything without approval - which would also be costly. I developed this window screen to that I can have it sit in the window sill, while still allowing the window open. This has prevented bugs and critters getting in, while enjoying the evening breeze.
This design is based on six components. The interconnecting keys (2 length sizes), end pieces (left & right), mesh window, and middle piece.
The end and middle pieces are 1/16" taller than the window pieces, so that they can take the weight of the physical window. I placed weather stripping across the top of the mesh windows to accommodate for this gap and ensure no bugs could still enter. The mesh is printed in place by pausing the print on the middle layer of the frame. It is important that the preceding top and bottoms layers where the netting is placed should be a solid infill/layer. Otherwise, when you peel the print off the bed, it may de-laminate.
Physical design:
The internal dimensions of my physical window was 39.75", the design of these components are based on this information. However, I designed the whole assembly to be 39.625" to allow for expansion/ease of insertion. You will need to scale your components accordingly.
Mesh screens: 6" tall and 9" long. The channel for the key is 1.5" long
End pieces: 6.0625" tall and 1" wide. The channel for the key is 0.75" long
Middle piece: 6.0625" tall and 1.625" wide.
Keys: 0.24" x 0.24"
The code I used for pausing at the desired layer, add this custom g-code at your desired layer:
G92 E0.0
G1 E-3 F3600
G1 X0.000 Y200.000 E0; parking position
M17; turn on steppers
M104 S0; set extruder temp to 0
M140 S0; set bed temp to 0
M1 PAUSED; stop and print message
G28 X Y; home X and Y
M190 S75 ; set & wait for bed temp
M109 S255 ; set & wait for extruder temp
G1 E3 F3600
G92 E0.0
Screen mesh:
2_1-2_inch_key.stl | 684.0B | |
3_inch_key.stl | 684.0B | |
End_-_Left.stl | 2.2KB | |
End_-_Right.stl | 2.2KB | |
Mesh_Window.stl | 8.5KB | |
Middle.stl | 2.6KB |