Wii Wall Mount 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Wii Wall Mount 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 114.5KB.


Want to mount your Wii to a wall? Try this.

I tried to create a wall mount for my Wii that is stable but where it's also easy to remove the console, so it could also be used to just store the console without eating up too much space (no idea why anyone would want this though).

It was also a criteria that the GameCube controller / memory card sockets stay accessible, which you can see in image 3.

There are two models for mounting the Wii to a left or right (front view) wall. I recommend the left one as seen in the pictures.

Use whatever screw type (and maybe wall plugs) that fit your wall the best. I'm not responsible if your Wii falls off and gets damaged.

Only tested with the 2006 version of the Wii.

Other mounts for Nintendo consoles I designed:

wii_wall_mount.stl 175.8KB
wii_wall_mount_right.stl 177.3KB