3D printed case, a Sonoff WiFi switch, old outlets & an some old extension cords.
Cost for each strip was under $10
Control the unit with Sonoff's mobile app, an Alexa, or the onboard switch.
WARNING: This project involves voltages which can cause injury or even death. You should not attempt this project If you are not experienced in working with household A/C voltage.
WARNING:DO NOT use a 3 prong outlet if you are not going to use a 3 prong plug (and wire the 3rd/ground plug). To do so would be circumventing a safety feature and could result in injury or even death.
NOTICE: The Sonoff module is rated for 10 Amps
I use 2-wire outlets in these so that higher load appliances/tools cannot be plugged In
I desolder the green connection blocks from the Sonoff and toss them away
I solder all of the connections (4 in total) to the thick traces on the underside of the Sonoff board to ensure good solid connections.
Make sure that you get the polarity correct.
The outermost (unbroken) solder line on the underside of the board is NEUTRAL.
This trace should be connected to the wires leading to the 'fat' prong on the plug end and the SILVER (not gold) screw on your outlet.
Lastly, be sure to knot lines on the input side to provide strain relief.
which is one of the main reasons why I use these rather than the cheap small boxes provided by Sonoff as they do not allow for proper protection from someone pulling the leads from the box when yanking on the cord.
The retainer sits on top of the middle post so that it clamps down on the end of the Sonoff board.
you can find the Sonoff modules on Amazon
Dont have a 3D printer?
Check out my Etsy page: https://www.etsy.com/HowlingCorgiDesign/listing/633002419/wifi-controlled-power-strip-case
Cover.stl | 332.4KB | |
Retainer.stl | 21.2KB | |
WiFi_Module_Casing.stl | 618.0KB |