USE AT OWN RISK! I have only tested this briefly and it seems sturdy but you are dealing with a part that spins at 1000's of rpm which might send off bits if it self destructs. You may wish to increase infill or make it stronger.
I used 35% infill 4 layers top and bottom (wear and tear from bumping to extend the grass cutting nylon - reason the original part failed) I did this in PLA but ABS may be more durable works fine though so far with my limited testing, have no idea how it will stand up to long term use.
*Update - have now run through a number of these over the years since designing it. They don't last as long as the originals but do last for some months and when they get worn I just print another. I have never had a catastrophic breakage (although it is always a possibility). I have designed a number of useful things and as I cannot easily get replacement components for this whipper sniper anymore I am pleased to keep using this design.
whipperSnipperEnd.stl | 92.9KB |