Weather Stripping Clip – 1993 Geo Metro Convertible 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Weather Stripping Clip – 1993 Geo Metro Convertible 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 9.6KB.


A simple extrusion of a 2D profile estimated by a photo. There may be (100% are) lots of inaccuracies! But it also just might work.

My weather stripping is tearing because my car has lost these clips at some point. I cant find replacement clips or weather stripping. Couldn't think of anything that would guide the window, but keep a seal other than printing it.

There are two shapes of clips on the 1993 convertible weather stripping. This is the shallower, smaller one, of which there are more. See photos.

I don't know what material is best to print with.

GoodGeoClipv3.stl 39.2KB