Waydoo Subnado Neutral Buoyancy Device 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Waydoo Subnado Neutral Buoyancy Device 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 179.8KB.


The Subnado weighs about 3lbs underwater and that will obviously effect your trim when scuba diving. So I made this sleeve to be injected with expanding foam and bring the Subnado to neutral buoyancy. It slips over the Subnado very snug but also has triangulated clamping, (using M5 x 10mm grub screws) to hold fast. Note the indexing pins might need to be cut down according to how you glue the 2 main halves together. Speaking of glue, I used E6000 but whatever your use just make sure its not water soluble. Happy diving!

Clamping_Plates.stl 47.7KB
Indexing_pins.stl 49.3KB
Nose_Cone.stl 296.0KB
Nose_Ring_Cap.stl 113.8KB
Rear_Body_V2.stl 196.7KB